The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.
— Albert Einstein

First and Third Fridays
Heginbotham Library
The mission of the Heginbotham Library is to give our patrons the opportunity to grow through reading, enhance community spirit with various programs, and support a lifelong love of books.
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539 S. Baxter Ave.
Holyoke, CO 80734
Phone Number:
(970) 854-2597
Monday through Friday — 9:00 to 6:00
Saturday — 9:00 to 1:00
New Items in Our Catalog
How do you know you’re in Northeast Colorado?
People wave at you. It’s true. And if you’re lucky enough to find yourself out in Northeast Colorado come to the Heginbotham Library. To say the Heginbotham Library is important to Phillips County is an understatement. You have only to look through some of our older books to find the signatures of the generations of Phillips County residents written on the check-out cards.
The curiosity that people have about the mansion brings them in and the wonderful literature and services keep them coming back. It has become a visiting center for many people who pass through Northeast Colorado. Touring the grounds and stepping into the beautiful appointed rooms of this Craftsman-period bungalow-style mansion and carriage house makes the rich history of this area come alive.
The library has made a point in providing our community with literature in all forms (books, audiobooks, ebooks, eaudiobooks) and also free and easy access to information and communication. We have an online catalog shared with over 100 other Colorado libraries and patrons can order items via courier. The needs of our community have changed and grown over the years and our library has kept pace.
We provide community-enriching services to all ages; from our storytimes, bilingual storytimes, summer reading programs, homebound services, book club services, monthly arts and crafts programs to computers, printing, scanning, and faxing. We also offer meeting rooms and the use of free wifi. Libraries have always been and are still a magical place for all ages.
Phillips County is blessed to have such an architecturally beautiful building to serve as its library. To quote one of our young patrons, “This place is like a story!” It’s the goal of this library to always welcome and be of service to the people of Phillips County. This is a very special community that uplifts and strengthens each other.
People want not only the best for themselves and their children but for all the people in this community. People here take pride in their community and have an ingrained strong work ethic. We like to work and we like to help people achieve. Our county provides a strong foundation in which our community grows and excels. What we do here in Phillips County works. There is a true, strong, positive sense of community in Phillips County and we embrace it to the fullest.
You will need your library card # (14 digits) It will begin with 2543100000_ _ _ _ or 25431000000_ _ _ . If you have a 4 digit library number you will need to add 5 (0)s; if you have a 3 digit # you will need to add 6 (0)s.
Your password is your last name in lower case. If you need to know your library card number please call me at 520-4869. If you need a library card please call and we will issue you one over the phone.